Monday, December 10, 2007

PAGODA 1976-2007

December 10, 2007 - Pagoda was struck by lightening last night where he was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital and pronounced dead on arrival. Pagoda was single with no children and leaves behind a loving family and many good friends. He spent nearly seven years marketing magazines in New York City all the while dreaming about a more purposeful and substantive existence. But in the end, he was simply a dreamer, afraid he had but one success within him and indecisive of the direction to head. A self proclaimed Pessimistic Optimist, Pagoda saw beauty in blight questioning his fortune and love as undeserving and unfair. He died with a smile and a tear. Rest in Peace Pagoda.

This will be my last blog post. It has been nearly one year to the day that I began blogging. Looking back over the year it has seen some ups and some downs, deceptions in emotion, and friendships through comments. I appreciate everyone who visited this blog to share in my insanity. I felt a very strong bond with several of the people who have visited and commented on this blog and the belief that you understood my posts and related to them meant a lot. I learned a lot from each of you and shared in your pain, sadness, joy and experiences. I wish all of you happiness ahead and will continue following your blogs. In my departure I wish to offer only this - we often share our sadness and tribulations in these electronic journals, don't let that cloud the blue sky above. Love, Pagoda.


Polly Etienne said...

really feel sorry that you won't be blogging any longer...
I enjoyed your writing and your thoughts, a LOT!
It was very nice having you on the blogsofera...I hope you do stay around in some how...

A. Joe said...

I go away for a month and I come back to find YOU'RE gone!
I'm pissed and in denial!
you'll be missed by THIS fellow blogger. :(

A. Joe said...

well at least you're around.
thank you for the nice words. If nothing else, its nice to know there are people who aren't oblisvious to our plight.
You talk of fighting for experiences. But whats the point of fighting for a lost cause? For experiences that will never be good.
Benazir Bhutto left her son to lead the party, young as he is. He's MY age. Born two months before me. And I fear for him--for all those who dare to raise their voices.
Take care.
Oh, and though it comes a bit late, happy new year and merry christmas.

Polly Etienne said...

Missing reading your thoughts!!!

Polly Etienne said...

the update is done...just for you:)

Polly Etienne said...

hey pagoda...
just letting you know that my blog address has been changed for
big hug

StarinGirl said...

missing you as well,please mail me or post

Unknown said...

Only you could make me laugh and cry at the same time. You're the only person who's been able to make me do this. I heart you pagoda.