Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I've been unemployed for two days now and realized something important. Not only did work stress me out but it destroyed my sense of healthy eating! The past two mornings I got out of bed, made myself a bowl of cereal with a banana cut up in it, and a glass of juice. For lunch I had soup and a sandwich. For dinner I had a hamburger with a side of vegetables.

During a normal work week I didn't even take the time to eat breakfast, lunch was generic and dinner was whatever could be done quickly and easily. I didn't have time to eat well.

People are always talking about the differences between America and Europe - Americans live to work and Europeans work to live. I agree that America's work ethic is a bit of a problem (I would say it's not the work ethic actually but the materialism instead) but Europe has a problem too. Most Europeans are allowed to take massive amounts of time off of work each year, which they do. The problem is that few can enjoy the time off of work because they can't afford to leave the house. I've never felt relaxed AND poor. The two can't go hand in hand...for me at least. Having said that, I despise money really - I just want to be comfortable.

It may seem like I'm getting off track here but the point is, I need to remember to take care of me and those I love. And I've never loved a boss or a company. In the future I need to take time to be healthy - as my mom has always said, "the mind, body and spirit need constant nourishment." If nothing pans our for me in 2007 and I find myself back behind a desk at some corporate office, I promise myself here and now to eat a bowl of cereal each morning...preferably with a banana.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with your mother and no matter what I always find time to eat, everything else must wait :)