Thursday, August 2, 2007


I've been thinking a lot about where my life is right now and where it could end up in say 5 years. In the end I always come back to one question - what's the point? But that is such an abstract question that I've decided to refine the end, what do I want to be proud of? And what do I want to be remembered for? I know friends who can answer these questions without missing a beat. Me? I feel like I could answer them differently each passing year. My answer to these questions now will, in all likelihood, be quite different in a year.

An even bigger question might be: are these the right kind of questions to be asking? I'm somewhat jealous of a friend of mine - she is a happy-go-lucky individual who believes the point to life is simply to enjoy it (I've blogged about this philosophy recently). As much as I would like to think that way, I'm just not able to. I try, but I feel something lacking. Maybe that will change in the future. For now I'll remain jealous of her and keep asking all these questions of which I will never find an answer. Having just written that last sentence I feel rather ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

just want to say
I like your works
and hope to read more your writing!

Pagoda said...

Thank you Ume! I'm always amazed when someone finds my blog since I don't really promote it. I'm trying my best to post daily but it seems to fluctuate a lot. I really enjoy getting comments so let me know when you like a particular post...and why. Gracias.

Your friend,