Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I mentioned a few posts back that I was going on a blind date this week. Well, it happened last night. First off, she is a really sweet woman, but she isn't right for me. And I'm not saying that just because she was slightly overweight...or because she had an artificial limb (it's true, I couldn't make this up).

She was very nervous during the date and even mentioned that she hadn't been on a lot of dates and was uncomfortable around the opposite sex. But as the night went on she calmed down a bit - I think it was just after she accidentally locked herself in the bathroom and had to have the restaurant workers break her out (again, can't make this up).

Okay, I'm being sarcastic with this post. Seriously, it was a pleasant evening. She was really sweet and I enjoyed her conversation...even if she didn't ask me any questions about myself...she referred to herself as "a talker."

The thing is, I don't want to hurt the girl. She was too kind and had an obviously difficult dating life so I wasn't sure how to break it to her that I was only interested in friendship. At the end of the evening I told her that it's tough to meet people in NYC and I really enjoyed going out and meeting someone new - outside of my usual group of friends. I told her I was really concentrating on film and business ventures and finding time to go out will be tough (which is true). So I'm hoping she understands my position. Anyhow, she was different from the vast majority of people I meet so I feel fortunate to have crossed her path and learned of her struggles and desires. I really hope she finds the right person for her. And I really don't want to contribute to any further disappointments for her. This is the part of dating that I hate.


Polly Etienne said...

Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahhahahhahahhahhahahhhhahhahhahhahahahahhhahhahahhahhahhahahhhahah
You're so funny!!!!!!!!! I just love the way that you put yourself in different situations, I think it is even more then cool, it is hilaurious!!! I think one of the most interesting thing in this world is get to know people's universe:) Keep going:) beijos

Polly Etienne said...

I've read all your latest posts, I wish I could write in English as good as you do. It is sooo enjoyable reading your blog:) Thanks for keeping writing!!