Sunday, July 29, 2007


I was watching a movie tonight (big surprise) where one of the characters told the following story, "I was laying on the beach when a butterfly landed next to me. It was a brown butterfly with red dots. It was just a foot away, not scared of me at all. They have short lifespans. I just watched it as it laid there opening and closing it's wings over and over again and it occurred to me that maybe that's what life is about. Enjoying the sand and the sun and just opening and closing our wings."

Now assuming that's true - assuming the meaning of life is to, essentially, enjoy it, is an interesting thought to me. Truly I like the idea as an okay alternative to working towards some higher ground or spiritual enlightenment and fulfillment. BUT how can we be expected to do so? Let me clarify. Say we buy into the aforementioned meaning of life theory but every day we hear about the ugly things going on in the world and the hardships so many people endure. How can we enjoy life when so many consider it hell? I don't think I can reconcile those two ideas.

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