Friday, June 29, 2007


I had drinks with a friend last night. I haven't seen him in close to six months so we had a lot to catch up on. I cherish the conversations I have with this friend because we come from two very different worlds but can talk calmly about tough topics without hating each other for our unique perspectives.

This friend of mine is an African-American from the ghetto in Brooklyn. He has made something great out of his life, especially considering where he has come from. Last night we discussed race relations in American and it was an enlightened conversation, as always. I find it difficult to accept sometimes that the color of someones skin can still affect perceptions before any factual information is used. I can be guilty of this at times as well. I wonder if we'll ever get to a place where color, gender and religion don't lead to a stereotyped perception. I don't even know if that's possible as I'm afraid human nature plays a role here. But it would solve a lot of problems.

Basically, we discussed how a better educational system is needed to help us achieve true equality. In America there is no debate that equality, like anything, can be achieved through the one thing that America loves Education can lead to financial security thus helping racial integration, acceptance and equality. It's such a pro and con of this country.

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