Monday, June 18, 2007


Okay, here is another movie recommendation. I watched an independent film called, "The Puffy Chair." For what it is, a low-budget, hand-held movie, I really enjoyed it. Without giving anything away - the premise of the film could be described as "when in true love, do you know absolutely?"

I've had friends who told me, "You just know." They say you have a feeling inside you that contains no doubt. It's a beautiful thought, and that's how I'd want it to be but part of me just can't believe this is true. I'm the type of person where I ALWAYS have doubt...with EVERYTHING. My brain consistently looks for the "traps" involved in any situation. I can't imagine being in a relationship with someone and not having doubt creep into my mind. I hope I'm wrong but I don't think I'm built that way. See!...doubt!

I know this is an incredibly depressing thought but, my best guess is that everyone settles. People just give up. I think some people just grow tired so they take the next step with who ever they are with. And other's truly believe in their love but after time goes by they question they made the right decision. I just feel like everyone settles. I hope I'm wrong.

I may have mentioned this before but the last time I was home my mom talked about her wedding day. She said it was the happiest day of her life...but the next morning she laid in bed wondering if she hadn't just made the biggest mistake of her life. And she cried for a week. To this day (after 35 years of marriage) she thinks my father probably wasn't the "one" for her but they have worked hard to make it work. Now, if after 35 years I can end up with the strength in love that my parents currently share, I'll be a blessed man. But all the same, it's a depressing situation to me. I understand love takes work but it doesn't seem right to me that it would take THAT much work. But what do I know.

1 comment:

Polly Etienne said...

You're right "some people just take the next step and others beleive in it"...I'm a kind of person who doubt a lot too. But I try to balance my thoughts and doubts and try to give some credits too. That's right..sometimes I catch myself thinking "Oh my god!! where did I put myself in to??" :) Oh partner must think the same sometimes and my friends with they partnes, and your mother....