Thursday, June 21, 2007

MY 200th POST!!!

This is my 200th post! When I started this blog I wondered if I would keep it going. At the time I think I really just needed a release from some issues in my life. So far this blog has evolved from a place where I was vague with my emotionally-disconnected self, to a place where I may have been too emotionally-open for my own comfort, to a place where I feel a balance in my posts. And along the way I made my first bloggy friend (Hi Lachramae) and kept an old friend (Hi Polly) along for the ride. I'm pretty sure you are the only two reading this blog, but that's okay to me. I'll forgive you if you happen across some cool guys blog that has more commenter's than mine and decide to ditch poor ol' Pagoda. I'll live...but I can't promise I won't write disparaging posts about you daily...which of course you will never know about because you will have ditched me. I'm just saying.

Today was the first day of testimony in the trial I am a jury member for. It was really quite sad. I can't really talk about the details but the two men involved in this shooting were friends for over 6 years. They knew each others families, children and attended social events together. Then a real estate deal gone bad ruined their friendship and ended in a shooting between the two. Money can be (and usually is) evil.


Polly Etienne said...

wow!!!!!!!!!! 200 posts?? congratulations!!! I love your thoughts!!I hope you keep going with it, I will keep reading it, always!!!xoxoxox

Polly Etienne said...

I will never dicth you, hahhaha..I had to check this word at the dictionary, that's a new wrod for me:) won't have a chance to write disparaging things about me without I finding it out, because I'm here everyday :)

You would be surprised how many people come to your blog daily if you had those site meter that you can track and see how many people, how long they stay...just go to get the code put in to your blog and you will see it:)

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Pagoda said...


I'm afraid I know VERY little Portuguese. I visited your blog and it looks really interesting. I wish I could better participate with it. I wish you luck in the blogosphere and hope you enjoy my posts.