Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I have been chosen for jury duty. At first, I was hoping not to be picked because I was afraid it would conflict with the film editing class I want to take in July. However, after the judge said he expected the trial to end within four days, I started to get excited about it. The court system here really amazes and intrigues me. I'm actually quite proud of it.

The man on trial is being accused of robbing a house, shooting a man (but not killing him) and carrying an illegal weapon. I'm one of twelve people who will listen to the witnesses and evidence for and against this man and, in the end, have to decide if he is guilty or innocent. The one thing the judge continuously told us as he was questioning the potential jurors is that this man is presumed innocent. He is only presumed guilty once the prosecutor has provided enough evidence to end the presumption of innocence. I like that.

It won't affect my judgement in the case BUT I kept looking over at the accused man and couldn't help but wonder what must be going through his head. What was his life like before being arrested? If he is found guilty, what is he most afraid of losing? This man's life will most likely change either way but a guilty verdict could devastate it. How scared he must be.

And the State of New York has asked me to help determine his fate. I will be elated if I get to cast a not guilty vote with a clear conscience after this case. I will, I think, feel deeply saddened if I need to cast a guilty vote to keep a clear conscience. Stay tuned...the trial starts tomorrow.


Polly Etienne said...

it sounds hard...I don't have any feeling to be in this kind of situation. Did you have a chance to say NO to te NY state when they put you in to it? How this thing works??

Pagoda said...

I could have said "no" but I feel it's my duty as a citizen here. For as much grief as i give our system, it's the best I can think of. Every person is presumed to be innocent unless the state can provide enough evidence to convince a jury of 12 people (I'm one of them in this case) that they are guilty beyond a reasonable amount of doubt which will always exist. It is hard, but kind if interesting to watch in action.

Polly Etienne said...

I agree when you say it is an interesting to watch in action:) I think it may take a lot of your energy and thougths. xoxoxoxo