Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I LOVE what this blog has brought to my life and continues to do so. I stopped over at my friend A. Joe's blog to see what was happening in her life - she is an amazing writer with a skill for crafting her emotions in an empathetic way.

Anyhow, I saw that she had written a post about me - it wasn't flattering BUT it was true. This is the kind of discussion that I enjoy so much because I learn. I'll play devil's advocate at times and push back on ideas even if I don't really think that way (so know that) - for some reason that greatly intensifies my learning curve. Anyhow, check out her post, I left a comment. I would like to continue the conversation so anyone else, please feel free to post a comment on her blog or my blog with your thoughts on this topic. I'd love to hear what other people in other countries, or the U.S., think of this and any solutions/thoughts/ideas you might have. Here's the link:


A. Joe said...

well, yay, I got blogged about too.
I wasnt angry at you. I was just angry in general. My cousins in US...when they come over, they're like "oh Gosh **smack smack of the chewing gum**, you guys have ROADS here? Its!" And I'm just amazed that they know so little about their own roots. I don't blame them. I don't even blame the system, now that I've cooled down. See, I guess when you get so caught up in your progress and development and make it big, you seem to forget everything else that is smaller exists. Am I making sense?

You are too kind to me, thank you for all the nice things you said in your post. I'm not THAT good a writer...the post I wrote about Feudals, I sent it to The Nation on Campus (The NOC), a part of the daily The Nation. Its a weekly page. Written by students from the faculty of Mass Communication.
The person I sent it to told me it was a great piece of writing and after some editing, it would make it to the paper. It didn't. An article over barbie dolls did. I got my hopes crushed pretty seriously made me doubt my talent as a writer. All my friends say I write well. I just wonder if its good enough for the profession I wish to pursue. I really have nothing else to fall back on.

Anyway, I promise not to attack YOU anymore...even if I'm really mad. You didn't really deserve it. :)

rabzodemorayh said...

hi there :)
so i'm a pakistani too, living in new york, here on a cultural exchange program. i've read some of your posts and they're pretty good---and after reading this last one i figured i'd ask you whether you're interested in meeting up; i have quite a few pakistani friends and we generally do something interesting on the weekends so lemme know if you're up for it. who knows, this might be a fun way to learn more about pakistan :)

Pagoda said...


Send me an e-mail at and we can talk about meeting up. I appreciate the invite. On a side note, I hope your friends and family are okay. I'm sure it's difficult to be away at a time like this. I look forward to hearing from you.