Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I was watching a show on the History Channel about ancient Mayan prophecies. One such prediction was that the world would end on December 21, 2012. IF this were somehow proven to be scientifically sound, how would your life change? What would you do differently?

I wish I had a hundred readers so I could get a wide sample of responses to this question, because my first thought is that we should live every day as if we knew the world would end on December 21, 2012. However, I suppose there is the possibility that someone would have a take that proved contrary to this assumption.

So, for my few loyal bloggies, how would your life change? What would you do different?


A. Joe said...

If I were to die on 21 December, 2012; I would:

1) bungee jump with a friend. Its a promise we made to each other. Its what I plan to do after I graduate.

2) Dye my hair pink and wear lots of kohl and walk around like a punk until my dad yells at me to get back to normal.

3) Get married and have kids. After all, as the male machos say here in Pak, thats what women are for.

4) Go to Egypt and check out the pyramids.

5) Beg God for forgivenss. Maybe then I would know that at least I turned back to Him in the end. Despite the fact that I actually gave up, I'd still want to go back and hope I go to heaven. Does that make me a hypocrite.

Oh by the way, I only learnt yesterday. Islam...literally means "peace through complete submission." I NEVER knew that. I thought it meant peace.
And you know what Jihad means in Islam? It means "sole transformation" Not even a hint on jihad as in a crusade against non-muslims. This is besides the point buty here's a list of top 5 things I'd do. The list could go on forever though

Pagoda said...

I've skydived - that was a rush. And I also really want to go to Egypt one day. I need to put my top 5 list together and post it here. Stay tuned...