Sunday, October 21, 2007


I always hoped that I was a gifted enough writer to be successful with the craft one day - whether through a screenplay, book or articles. But I constantly question it.

This weekend I was thinking about the major differences between who I am now and who I was ten years ago. I've spoken about the release of my anger, the decline in tormented confusion, the comfort in my own skin etc. One thing that has also changed is my tenacity. Maybe it directly correlates to my anger. Although I still feel as though I can accomplish anything I truly desire, I don't feel the tenacity I once did. I think tenacity may be a prerequisite for success.

I'm not saying I don't have tenacity, I'm saying it isn't as strong as it once was. I wrote about it in a post a while back where I talked about missing my anger. I think that may have been wrong - I think it was the tenacity I was missing.


A. Joe said...

and you think you've achieved success? Because now your tenacity has worn our. Given up? Or achieved everything? :)

Pagoda said...

No, just the opposite. I feel like my relaxed tenacity may deter any success. I don't want to be complacent, I want to have the same drive to survive even if it isn't to literally "survive." In my case though I feel like if I don't do something with my life in which I can look back and see positive social change then I have failed. I'll need a return to tenacity to acheive it.