Tuesday, February 20, 2007


The movie "Annie Hall" is one of my favorite romantic comedies. It's a good movie BUT an even better script. The movie falls flat from the script I think. There are so many quotes from the movie that I absolutely love but didn't have the same impact on screen that it had in written text. For the next few days, I'll use lines from this movie as my "Quote of the Day."

""The... the other important joke, for me, is one that's usually attributed to Groucho Marx; but, I think it appears originally in Freud's "Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious," and it goes like this - I'm paraphrasing - um, "I would never want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member." That's the key joke of my adult life, in terms of my relationships with women.""
-Alvy Singer

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