Friday, February 16, 2007


Last night a friend of mine and I went to a club in NYC. The hormones in this place were amazing...everyone was out for one thing and one thing only.

The intriguing thing to me was how judgemental the women were of the other women. I've noticed this many times before but it still amazes me. I watched a woman wearing next to nothing walk the length of the bar. As she did, every guy in the place swiveled their head to follow her, but so did the women. The men were obviously oggling, the women were judging. On another occasion a friend of mine started pole dancing (they had a pole in the corner on a stand) as if she was a stripper. The looks on the women's faces was priceless - disgust with a hint of jealousy.

It's a competition between women. I don't feel like men compete with other men in any way similar to how women compete with women. It's almost like the social structure of finding a mate hasn't changed since the days of cavemen...and cavewomen.

I used to tell friends that if I wore a wedding ring to the bar, I would get more action from women. I still think it's true. Women are so competitive with other women that it's not just about beating them to a man but also taking what they have. I know it sounds ruthless but I've seen it so many times. But maybe I'm wrong about the intention. Maybe women are attracted to a taken man because they've been qualified as "worth having" by another women. A kind of stamp of quality if you will.

I don't pretend to understand women, they are strange creatures to me. I do, however, find them fascinating! The competition is rather fun to watch. I suppose that's part of the reason reality television is so interesting. I would love to set up a camera in this club and just watch the women compete in their subtle and not so subtle ways. But then I'd have to watch all the drunk male buffoons try to impress the women. And that part I find annoying.


Unknown said...

Most women are fuckin' evil. I say most because, to be honest, I don't put myself into the same category of these judgmental women you speak of. I'm just not like that. I for the most part, just ignore these women...they want what they can't have. Whether it'd be a body to flaunt, the courage to actually pole dance or another woman's man. Jealously is an ugly thing...

Pagoda said...

I agree. You are not in this category. Nor are most of the women I hang out with. It was just interesting to watch last night.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I think that I do fall into that category, but only a little. I do not participate in the act, I just love to people watch. I am fascinated with watching the jealousy...its like watching an accident, you don't want to look but you have to. I hate reality tv though!! But most women are crazy, pure and simple. That is what men need to learn. We are crazy (most of us) and we will remain crazy for eternity, its the level of crazy that you have to sift through to find out which ones are worth putting up with:)