Friday, September 28, 2007


I've been sitting here for the last five minutes staring at this blank box, trying to decide what to write about. I told myself, if the opportunity arose, I would try to post in this blog daily. But I have no idea what to say right now. Nothing pressing is on my mind. Which bothers me. Especially when you turn on the news and see the events in Burma, another missing child report, and politics...well, being politics.

There is so much going on in the world, how could I have nothing to say?

99% of what is in this blog I would never actually verbalize. I've realized that 99% of people at cocktail parties don't want to talk about philosophical ideas - and I don't blame them, they want to have fun and be happy. I have fun talking about these things but I can't say it typically brings a burst of joy to my soul.

In any case, I use this blog as an outlet. With so much to talk about, why can't I find anything to say? Sometimes I think I just bury things, block them out. Sometimes I think I let the world tire me. Sometimes I'm just too tired.

1 comment:

A. Joe said...

Ah, this is where I tell you your post is similar to MY previous post.

I call this cursor on the blank text box "Flash-Flash"...knowing someone is always willing to prompt you greatly helps the writer's block :)

What does pagoda mean?