Saturday, September 1, 2007


I'm lost again. I'm at that place where I feel like I don't know what direction to head in or what path to choose. And I don't have to make a decision right now so I'm just sitting here waiting, wishing and wondering. Whatever the future has in store for me won't come without many hours of analysis and deliberation.

I am so anxious to move forward with my life but I know I need to be patient. But I can't help being antsy and feeling like every hour that goes by without a known purpose is wasted. I feel like as soon as I have a new mission in life I'll go full steam ahead and accomplish it...and I feel ready. I just haven't received the mission yet. So I feel lazy. I feel like I need to be doing SOMETHING but at the same time I know I need to get myself to a certain "place" before I can move forward.

I should be excited about the future, it's wide-open for me. I guess I'm just ready to get on with it so anxiety drowns out everything else. Patience, patience, patience - something I really need to work on.

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