Saturday, September 1, 2007


One of the things I truly enjoy in life is an in-depth conversation on the meaning of life. Inevitably a conversation on religion ensues and people always have strong opinions on this matter.

I have several friends who either characterize themselves as atheist, or simply someone with an understanding that they will never achieve an answer on whether there is a god or not so why waste time worrying about it. I have often struggled with whether I should chase answers to questions I know will never reveal the answer. I've chosen to chase...for many reasons, of which one is my enjoyment in the contemplation.

But what I wanted to write briefly about today is an aspect of my atheist friend's attitude which I wish I could duplicate in myself more often. When I ask these friends what the point of life is, the answer I receive most frequently is, "There isn't a point. It's just about enjoying life." And these friends actually live their lives that way - they see life as more of a gift than I think most religious people do. I believe in a god. And I believe religion at its core is a great manual for people to live by. I believe religion provides hope to those most in need of it...and, equally as important, a purpose in life. But I feel like sometimes the religious look to better themselves and those around them so much that they forget the gift staring them right in the face every day. The gift of opportunity. The gift of simply being.

I'm not saying atheists don't try to better themselves or society as much as the religious but there is a distinct difference in the philosophies behind it - which I would love to write more about when I have more time. I'm simply saying that at the core of an atheist belief is an outlook more focused on seeing life as a beautiful gift to us as an individual. I think this thought is also VERY present in religion but is overrun with a variety of messages, and layer of importance on them, that we would all be better served to remember that life is an amazing opportunity that we should enjoy, or understand our fortune...even through our struggles. We are either allowed to be, or just on earth being, depending on your belief. Either way, we have a lot to enjoy and be thankful for.

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