Sunday, September 30, 2007


I expect too much of my love. I've been told often that I need to be more open in my relationships, that the women feel held at a distance. It's tough for me to verbalize my feelings. but there is something more - I want them to "know" without me having to tell.

It's stupid right? How could someone just "know" unless I tell them? In my warped mind I desire a glance that searches my soul. I want to stare into her eyes and see her essence, and she mine. So far that hasn't happened.

I had a rocky relationship with a woman a few years ago. I felt for her deeply, and she for I...but she wasn't ready for a serious relationship so she fought against it. One evening, a few days after she broke up with me, she stopped by my apartment to explain. She said her biggest issue was that I wasn't open with her, that I seldom spoke of my family and feelings. The second issue she had was my arrogance. I can understand some random person meeting me and thinking I'm arrogant. I suppose it would depend on the topic of conversation but I can't say I would be stunned. What did stun me was that this woman I had spent so many hours conversing with would think the same. I thought she knew me on a deeper level. I thought she saw my insecurities, confusion and search for the allusive truth. She obviously didn't. A few weeks later we went out for drinks and I decided to tell her a very personal story. It was something I had never spoke of to anyone - because it makes me feel foolish, but at the same time I think it relates something about me that isn't apparent to, well...anyone. I told her the story and my emotions bubbled and bubbled until, eventually, they began to boil over. I began to cry. There were two reasons why I was upset relating the story to her: 1. It's a story that sums up everything I desire and 2. I had hoped I never had to tell the story...I hoped someone would just know.


Polly Etienne said...

You sound as a very instrospective man; for me it would be impossible to cope with. I think you got chance to know me in 3 intenses weeks and you could see how transparent, casual, espontaneous I am. I could never hold words, feelings or thoughts with someone who I'm relating to. I think this is the best thing ... just say things that you feel, show your love in actions and verbalizing it. The other thing in relationship that I can't do is play games, aff...I hate have to guess the things..guess what is in the other person mind, I can't spend time even trying to guess isn't fn at all:(

Next time...try to throw yourself at someone:) like you are jumping in to the ocean...go DEEP and show yourself. It is sooooo good!!

Ps.: it was very nice talking to you:) did you watched the video on my last post?? it is nice:) beijos

A. Joe said...

I would disagree with your friend Polly, I'm sorry, but I just do.
Someone very close to me once said that this is what closeness is all about...about us having to say things without the use of words.
I disagreed with him just for the sake of argument, and said "well, if we could know eavh other's thoughts without the use of words, we wouldn't be close, we'd be one person." Smart man, he brought up Sufism and the concept of Ishq (translated literally as "love"...but in Sufism it is not love as in just love between lovers)...and I finally had to give in. :S
I just think that it would be nice to have someone to know your thoughts in a glance or a simple gesture. That IS closeness...and love. :)

Why'd you choose Pagoda, then?

That feudal post was just a random, extremely biased thing, don't go on and think we're angels. We're not. :)

Pagoda said...

Ah, dueling opinions. I think living as open as Polly recommends is more idealistic and I compliment people who live this way. For me it's unrealistic. I think the idea of a glance is idealistic as well. I'd like to live with expectations somewhere in the middle I think.

Polly Etienne said...

I just love being myself...
why should I hold myself for??
hold feelings and words, holding family stories or whatever??
Anyway, I enjoy expressing myself and enjoy even more the feed back that I get:) if this feed back is positive, GREAT! if not...that's ok me time and energy in any relationship.


Anna Qu said...

I totally agree with polly.. and tho noone is going to read this now that pogada is no longer blogging.. I've always thought you should throw all your love ...passion into now and the person you're with... but the person you love, throw it all in for.. wat happens if he's not worth it.. if he takes and never gives and leaves you shallow and barren? Then we learn to give less.. to 'hold' and to keep.